Bottled Water

  • Pure Water helps to:

  • Prevent premature ageing.
  • Lubricates the body joints & assist muscle tone.
  • Remove waste products from the body.
  • Reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Alleviate fatigue to the liver, kidneys and heart.
  • Speed up recovery of illness.
  • Control body temperature.
  • Reduce risk of birth defects. Protects the growth of children’s intelligence, their body growth & the memory of adults.
  • Lose weight. Keep it off by converting fatty deposits into energy.

How much interest do you take in the water you drink? “Think Before You Drink” Choose Aquacool Delicious healthy purified water, Delicious Healthy Purified Bottled Water

A Refreshingly Different Water Service

Only a Leading Technology can serve you Clean & Pure Water

“Aquacool” water is purified with a world endorsed technology called reverse osmosis. This water is available in 20Litre Lexan polycarbonate bottles & can be dispensed from one of Aquacool’s wide range of dispensers.

Aquacool purified water is now available in 1,5 L and 500ml bottles.